Update re: COVID-19 and Your Counseling Services

Due to the ongoing concern regarding the spread of the Coronavirus, Zoey Holguin Therapy has decided to move its practice entirely online until further notice. We are committed with the country to flattening the curve and we want to protect your health.
We are also committed to seeing to your individual and relational needs and feel it is especially necessary during this uncertain time and with that, we expect that clients will keep their appointments.
Our electronic health record system Simple Practice has a an easy to use secure video chat system. You’ll be sent a link for the video appointment. Click on it when our appointment is scheduled to start or open it through the Telehealth by SimplePractice app (download free in the app store). You can use the camera and audio on your computer or mobile device.
Feel free to contact us at 440-836-3186 or info@zoeyholguintherapy.com with any questions.