How to Find a Counselor, Therapist or Psychologist in Cleveland

Finding a counselor, therapist or psychologist in Cleveland is a daunting task for so many reasons. So many questions to ask and things to consider – it’s a scary process and an important decision. One of the greatest hurdles alone is just figuring out where to look. There are actually many ways to find a therapist in Cleveland. Here’s where:
Ask a close and trusted friend or family member for a recommendation. Chances are you have friends or family members who have had to utilize the services of a counselor, therapist or psychologist or at the very least, they know someone who knows someone. Sometimes the best referral is from personal experience so ask around and you might be pleasantly surprised.
Ask your primary care doctor. Your primary care doctor probably has an arsenal of known therapist, counselors and psychologist that they have referred to in the past. You aren’t the first one who seeks help for their depression, anxiety or other issues from their primary care doctor so you can count on the fact that they have referrals at their disposal.
Ask a therapist, counselor or psychologist. So, if you are lucky enough to know someone in your social circle who is a therapist, counselor or psychologist themselves, ask them if they were to go to see one, who would they go to and/or ask them who they admire and respect in their field.
Use a therapist, counselor or psychologist listing directory. There are several different directories listings available for you to peruse. Many of them have filtering options so you can narrow down exactly what you might be looking for in a therapist. Some popular ones and the ones I use are:;;
Using your health insurance to pay for counseling or therapy? If you plan to use your health insurance, look at your health provider’s online directory or give them a call. Your health insurance company will have a list of providers who take your health insurance. Many of them provide an online directory of sorts but you can also call the member services department and ask them for referrals. Again, most of these insurance provider directories have filtering options and member services can access the filtering options as well.
Call your local school or university. If you happen to be looking for a counselor, psychologist or therapist referral for your child including our big kids in college, seek out the school counselor and/or school counseling department for referrals. They will often maintain a resource list as well as may even have counselors on hand that can provide services in the school setting.
Google search. Yes, you can even do a good old google search. Type in the search field, “couples counseling”, "marriage counseling", "marriage counselor", "relationship counseling" or just "counselor". Fill in the blank for whatever issue you might be seeking assistance with.
I hope this has been beneficial to you in finding the right counselor in Cleveland. If you are still feeling perplexed, feel free to call me at for a free 15-minute consultation. I’d be happy to hear about what is going on and connect you to the right person. If you are looking for help with women's or couples issues, you can read more about how I can help here.